Moto Racer 3 Gold Edition PC Game

Publisher: Atari
Developer: Delphine Soft.
Minimum System Requirements:
CPU: Pentium 450MHz
RAM: 64Mb
Windows: 98/Me/XP/Not Vista/Not 7
Graphics card: 16Mb 3D DirectX 8.0a compatible
Sound card: DirectX 8.0a compatible
Disk space: 650Mb
Disc drive: 4 x CD-ROM
Input: Mouse & keyboard
Recommended System Requirements
System: PIII 600 or equivalent
RAM: 128 MB
Video Memory: 32 MB
Note :
Unpack the realese
Backup/Copy dulu folder instalannya setelah di extract, baru running SETUP.BAT. karena saat menjalankan SETUP.BAT gagal, file tersebut akan hilang. anda harus mendownload ulang dari awal.Unpack the realese
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Moto Racer 3 Gold Edition PC Game